The Journey

Let’s start the JOURNEY! Let us help you find your path!

Searching for God is the greatest and important JOURNEY any of us can go on. It is indeed a JOURNEY – after all, none of us have all the answers when it comes to God, so we all have places to explore and grow. Each of us is coming from a unique place with different experiences. We don’t have to have everything figured out to JOURNEY with God.

Zion is a safe place for worship, where questions may be pondered, truth sought, God encountered. We are open to questions. Ask any question and know that you are in a place that values the question, as well as the seeker who asks.

Worship Services at Zion are driven by our vision of welcoming and including all of God’s children. We wholeheartedly welcome God’s children of all ages to be a part of worship. Wigglers, gigglers, and wanderers are all welcome in God’s house.

In worship, we hope to inspire transformation in the lives of those present and in the greater world. With lively music, impassioned preaching, prayer, and a healthy dose of energy and fun, worship at Zion is a place to be refilled, renewed, challenged, and encouraged.

At Zion, you are challenged to think about your daily lives outside the walls of our sanctuary each Sunday morning. Zion is a safe place to be yourself without fear, a place to worship God, grow in your own faith, without having to check your brain at the door.

Expect a warm welcome at Zion, regardless of your race, gender, class, sexual orientation, or previous church experience.

Join us each Sunday at 10:00 am for Worship!